一些令人瞠目结舌的照片显示,3800名囚犯挤在仅能容纳800人的监狱里。他们得在长年潮湿的地板上寻找一个角落蹲下来睡觉,在配餐里翻出铁钉和死蟑螂简直是家常便饭,由于空气糟糕以及供水不足,身上还总是生皮疹、皮肤疮等。Eye-opening images reveal the daily life of 3,800 inmates serving time behind the crowded walls of a prison built for just 800 as they search for a corner of damp floor to squat against as they sleep, pick rusty nails and dead cockroaches out of their rations of food and suffer rashes and boils caused by the lack of ventilation and water.一些令人瞠目结舌的照片显示,3800名囚犯挤在仅能容纳800人的监狱里。他们得在长年潮湿的地板上寻找一个角落蹲下来睡觉,在配餐里翻出铁钉和死蟑螂简直是家常便饭,由于空气糟糕以及供水不足,身上还总是生皮疹、皮肤疮等。Inside Quezon City jail in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, there is a relentless and constant battle for space, water, food in an unhygienic facility.在位于菲律宾首都马尼拉的奎松市监狱,在这卫生条件奇差的环境里,天天上演着残酷无情的地盘、水、食物争夺战。With 160 to 200 inmates crammed into a cell built for 20, men take turns to sleep on the cracked cement floor of an open-air basketball court, the steps of staircases, underneath beds and hammocks made out of old blankets.本该住20人的牢房却塞进了160到200名囚犯,他们轮流睡在破裂的水泥地板、露天篮球场、楼梯台阶、床底以及用旧毛毯做成吊床上。The prison was built six decades ago and houses prisoners whose cases are pending, according to the Inquirer.据Inquirer报道,这座监狱建于60年前,专门用来关押那些等待定罪的人。The images show the men in their day-to-day life, from bathing themselves to cooking their food and exercising in close, cramped conditions.这些照片显示了他们从洗澡、做饭到在封闭、狭小的环境里健身等日常生活。Wearing their regulation yellow shirts, they also participate in group dancing contests.穿着黄色狱服,他们有时也会举办团体舞比赛。One former inmate at the Quezon City jail returned to the prison after studying criminal justice at the Southern Illinois University in the United States.一位之前被关押在奎松市监狱的人,正在美国的南伊利诺伊州立大学攻读刑事司法,他回到监狱探访。Raymund Narag says he was 20 when he was accused of a crime he did not commit, the murder of a young man in the Philippines, according to the GMA Network.据GMA Network报道,此人叫雷蒙德.那拉,他表示在20岁时曾因涉嫌谋杀一个年轻人的罪名被关到这里。Mr Narag served seven years, where he said he stayed in a cell with 30 other men instead of the intended five and lived off a diet of dried fish that he says barely sustained him.虽然始终没有被定罪,但他却被不明不白的关了7年。在本该关6人的牢房里,却挤着他和另外30多人。他说当时每天只能吃鱼干,每天都处在饥饿的边缘。In his book ’Freedom and Death Inside the Jail’, Dr Narag details the horrendous living conditions the inmates are subjected to and the fear that consumed him.在他的新书《监狱中的自由和死亡》中,他讲述了监狱里令人触目惊心的生活环境以及他每日的提心吊胆。‘For almost seven years, I experienced death every waking moment of my life inside the jail,’ he said.那拉说,“7年里,我每一次醒来,都在经历死亡。”Men are forced to sleep on any damp floor space they can find or in a squatted position - which causes some inmates to have a stroke - because of the severe overcrowding, he said.人们被迫在他们所能找到的任何潮湿的地板上睡觉,或者由于极度拥挤得蜷缩起来睡——这使得一些犯人中风,他说。The dirty conditions, lack of food, sweltering heat and no ventilation within the cells causes numerous inmates to become ill or develop rashes and boils, he said.他表示,肮脏的环境,食物的匮乏,闷热的空气以及无通风设备,使得很多犯人生病,或者长皮疹、皮肤疮等。‘Every month in Quezon City Jail, around two to five inmates die of illness,’ he said.“每个月,每5个犯人中就有2个死于疾病。”他说。Severe boredom also causes the men to become depressed and heightens mental health issues.严重的无所事事还使得一些人变得抑郁,引发了很多心理问题。Dr Narag said he left the jail in 2002 after seven years, determined to talk about the horrors he had seen.那拉说,被关押7年后,他2002年离开这所监狱,下决心要让一切为外界所知。‘A walk through the cells in Quezon City Jail makes one realize how far behind the normal jail standards the penal institution lags.’他说,“到奎松市监狱的牢房里走一圈,会使你认识到它和标准监狱的差距有多远,以及其刑罚制度有多么滞后。”完成阅读来源:Daily Mail